Real Estates & Construction

Real estate and construction are important areas for the economy and have many influences on other socio-economic issues. The legal framework of real estate and construction is complex and always adjusted, replaced and updated, which may make difficulties for investors and enterprises. With experienced lawyers, we can provide clients with quality legal advices and other services for real estate and construction investment projects.

The following legal services we can provide:

  1. Advising on issues and carrying out  procedures of a real estates investment project or an M&A transaction related to real estates investment projects/ real estate companies. 
  2. Advising, drafting or reviewing real estate lease agreements, real estate investment cooperation agreements, BCC, joint ventures, capital mobilization agreements or other M&A transaction documents related to real estates investment projects/ real estate companies. 
  3. Advising on issues related to construction permit matters, how to solve disputes on construction contracts, real estate investment cooperation agreements, etc.
  4. Other legal services related to real estate and construction matters as requested by clients.